Mymgeni Return and Refund Policy
In the unlikely event of a wrong or damaged product, respond immediately within 72 hours after receiving your item , using any of the below options:
Call 0720 216 788 /0780 216 788
WhatsApp 0720 216 788
Report online
Depending on the complexity of the issue , exchanges and refunds are processed within 1- 7 business days, after your package is received back.
Returned items must be unopened /unused and be accompanied by a sales/delivery receipt or payment reference number.
For exchanges ,note legibly on the sales/delivery receipt which product is to be issued once the return parcel is received.
For exchanges due to faulty or damaged item , there are no additional shipping charges .
In case the reason for return is due to customer's change of order , shipping charges apply.
Exchanges are made for a similar product or a product of equal value to the one purchased before.
In case there is no suitable alternative product available , monetary refund is done.
Refunds are processed through the same mode of payment used when making the purchase.
Mymgeni reserves the right to inspect the returned product ,and the decision as to the nature of exchange /return/refund/ is final.